Overview Video of the ILEAP Model

ILEAP is a structured, comprehensive model to teach and assess collaborative care team skills to interprofessional student teams in a clinical environment.

Taken together, the ILEAP components seek to enhance student knowledge, attitudes, and skills regarding collaborative care; provide opportunities for student teams to add value to patient care at the clinical site; prepare faculty and coaches to facilitate learning experiences that promote team skills development; and assess and evaluate the effectiveness of the model activities.

The ILEAP model demonstrates how to connect foundational learning with the application of collaborative team skills in patient care. This module presents an overview of the ILEAP components, Readiness, Clinical Experience, and Assessment/Evaluation while orienting the viewer to more detailed information on this website.

Individual Components of the ILEAP Model

The Direct Observation of Team Interactions (DOTI) tool connects learning and assessment throughout the ILEAP model. This module describes the purpose, format, content and use of DOTI to impact readiness and skill building.

In this module, you will learn the steps to engage and prepare a clinical site for a student team, collaborate with the site to identify and refine meaningful work for the team, and monitor team placement.

This module describes the structured, online curriculum that guides and promotes the use of team skills at the clinical site while the team is engaged in work that adds value to patient care.

This module focuses on preparing individual students and student teams for team placement through an introduction to collaborative care and team skills, team building exercises, and an introduction to the work at the clinical site.

This module introduces the steps to train individuals as successful coaches and facilitators for team skills development. Skills include team-focused coaching, observation and providing actionable feedback.

This module outlines the over-arching plan for assessment and evaluation strategies in the ILEAP curriculum. It includes tips and suggestions for developing an evaluation plan.